I Wish I Found Reddit Sooner After Years on IG and X

I Wish I Found Reddit Sooner After Years on IG and X

This is definitely not an ad! Reddit isn’t sponsoring me to make posts on Coding Life Mindfully. They said our platform is a competitor, so they don't do this. 🤫 This is my first post about social media platforms, but it definitely won't be the last. So, here’s my first review of my favorite social media platform so far.

What a wholesome platform! No one ever mentioned it to me, and I spent my time on platforms with high toxicity levels, as you can probably tell from my title.

I used to think Reddit wasn’t for everyone, and even after discovering it, I still feel the same way. I didn’t see myself fitting in there. I was more of an Instagrammer, and like old Twitter fans, I thought Twitter (X) was the best.

To be honest, all social media platforms have their advantages and disadvantages, but for me, Reddit has fewer downsides.

I have no idea why I was so late to this community. I even hated using Reddit before I knew what people were doing there. I mean, I even used Quora... but yeah... weird!

Why Do I Like Reddit?

I was constantly looking for solutions to my problems but never searched properly in other languages. When I did start searching in English, I noticed that Quora or Reddit often appeared in the results. I initially thought Reddit was full of childish gamers. From a user perspective, I think the logo contributes to that.

I knew more about Twitch than Reddit, even though most of my Google searches led me to Reddit.

Anyway, I started searching in English because whenever I searched in my native language, like "I have a headache," I would find articles that suggested I might have cancer or that my family had adopted me. I’m not joking—our articles are so wrong or scary, especially for people with anxiety.

They don’t provide enough information about real problems. If you’re also searching in your native language and not in English, I suggest you change that.

Why am I saying this? Because when I searched for "eating problems" in my language, it only showed fad diets and nothing specific about 'eating disorders' like I've discussed here.

I first discovered Reddit when I searched for "ADHD programmers" and "Blue Card requirements in Germany."

Later, I found information on everything from binge eating disorder to gardening, and from relationships to blogging!

After spending so much time on other social media platforms, you might be surprised by the difference on Reddit, almost like those other apps have frozen your brain.

Of course, people on Reddit can be toxic too, and that’s okay. But so far, I’ve only followed subreddits that align with my interests, which has made my experience much more positive.

Why Not Other Platforms?

Other platforms often make you feel like you have to pick a side, especially when it comes to politics and protests. On Instagram, you have to be rich or pretty, and on Twitter, you have to be an a**hole—sorry, but it's true! :D


In the end, every platform has its own culture and audience, and they all come with their own set of pros and cons. For me, Reddit stands out because it offers a space where I can find valuable information and engage in meaningful discussions without the pressures and toxicity that come with other social media platforms.

That's all for today, thank you!

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Hi! I am Naz.

I am a software engineer and a mindfulness practitioner. I love to share my knowledge and experience with others. I am a lifelong learner and I am here to learn and grow with you.