Easy Redux with TypeScript: 5 Essential Tips for Beginners 🚀

Easy Redux with TypeScript: 5 Essential Tips for Beginners 🚀

Hey there, developers! 👋 Ever feel like setting up Redux is as confusing as trying to learn a new language? You’re not alone. Today, I’m going to walk you through the basics of Redux with TypeScript in a way that’s easy to digest. We’ll break everything down into small, manageable pieces, so by the end of this, Redux won’t seem so scary after all. Ready? Let’s go! 🚀

1. What is Redux? Imagine You’re the Captain of a Spaceship 🛸

Okay, imagine you’re the captain of a spaceship, and your crew members are scattered all over the ship. You need to keep track of everything they do and make sure they’re all on the same page. Redux is like the communication system that keeps your crew connected.

  • Store: This is the spaceship’s control room. It holds all the important data (state) about what’s happening on your ship.
  • Actions: These are like messages your crew sends to the control room, telling it to do something (like “Turn on the lights!”).
  • Reducers: These are the control room operators. They listen to the messages (actions) and decide how to update the ship’s data (state).

So, Redux is just a way to manage the data (state) in your app, making sure everyone (all parts of your app) knows what’s going on.

2. Setting Up the Control Room: The Redux Store 🏗️

Now that we know what Redux is, let’s set up the control room — the store. In Redux, the store holds the state of your entire app in one place.

Here’s how you can set up your store in TypeScript

First Create the Store File (store.ts) 📂

This file is where you create and configure the Redux store. Think of it as setting up the control panel in the spaceship’s control room.

import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

import createSagaMiddleware from "redux-saga";

import rootSaga from "./saga"; // We’ll get to sagas soon!

const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();

export const store = configureStore({

reducer: {

// This is where you’ll add your reducers (the control room operators)


middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>




export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch;

export type RootState = ReturnType;

The store.ts file is like the brain of your app, managing all the state in one central place.

3. Adding the Crew: Actions and Reducers 🧑‍🚀

Now that the control room (store) is set up, you need to start adding crew members (reducers) who will handle different tasks. These reducers will listen to actions (messages) and update the state accordingly.

Create a Slice for Your State (slice.ts) 🍰

Think of a slice as a specific area of your spaceship, like the engine room, where you manage a particular part of your state (e.g., weather data).

import { createSlice, PayloadAction } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

const initialState = {

temperature: 0,

description: "",

icon: "",

humidity: 0,

windSpeed: 0,

city: "",

country: "",


const weatherSlice = createSlice({

name: "weather",


reducers: {

setWeather(state, action: PayloadAction) {

state = action.payload;


clearWeather(state) {

state = initialState;




export const { setWeather, clearWeather } = weatherSlice.actions;

export default weatherSlice.reducer;

Each slice is like a specialized crew member who handles a specific part of your app’s state. The reducer is the logic that decides how to update the state.

4. Dispatching Actions: Sending Messages to the Control Room 📨

Now that you have your crew set up, let’s talk about how to send them messages — actions. Actions are the way you communicate with your reducers to update the state.

Dispatch an Action from Your Component 🛠️

Imagine you want to update the weather information. You’ll send a message (action) to the weather reducer, telling it to update the state.

import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

import { setWeather } from './weatherSlice';

const WeatherComponent: React.FC = () => {

const dispatch = useDispatch();

const updateWeather = (weatherData) => {

dispatch(setWeather(weatherData)); // Send the message to update the state


return (



Dispatching actions is like sending commands to your crew to update the state in the control room (store).

5. Listening for Messages: The Power of Sagas 🌀

Sometimes, you need to handle more complex tasks, like making API calls. This is where Redux-Saga comes in. Sagas are like the spaceship’s onboard computer that handles more complicated tasks behind the scenes.

Set Up a Simple Saga 🚀

Let’s say you want to fetch weather data from an API. A saga will listen for a specific action, perform the API call, and then dispatch another action to update the state.

import { takeEvery, call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects';

import { fetchWeather, setWeather } from './weatherSlice';

function* fetchWeatherSaga(action) {

try {

const weatherData = yield call(fetchWeatherApi, action.payload);

yield put(setWeather(weatherData)); // Update the state with new data

} catch (error) {

console.error('Failed to fetch weather data', error);



export function* watchFetchWeather() {

yield takeEvery(fetchWeather.type, fetchWeatherSaga);


Sagas handle complex operations like API calls, making your Redux logic cleaner and easier to manage.


And that’s a wrap! 🎉 By breaking down Redux into these simple, bite-sized pieces, we’ve taken the mystery out of it. Redux doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s all about managing your state in an organized way, making sure all parts of your app (crew) are on the same page. Remember, the control room (store) is the heart of your app, and with TypeScript, you can make sure everything runs smoothly.

Keep these steps in mind as you continue your Redux journey, and soon enough, you’ll be flying your spaceship through complex apps with ease! 🌌

Bonus Resource:

For more TypeScript tips, check out this blog: 10 Must-Know TypeScript Methods for Everyday Use

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Hi! I am Naz.

I am a software engineer and a mindfulness practitioner. I love to share my knowledge and experience with others. I am a lifelong learner and I am here to learn and grow with you.