How Did I Overcome Smoking Addiction?

How Did I Overcome Smoking Addiction?

Quitting smoking is one of the most challenging yet rewarding journeys one can undertake. For many, including myself, the road to being smoke-free is filled with hurdles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But the sense of freedom and improved health that comes with quitting is unparalleled.

In this blog post, I’ll share my personal story of how I quit smoking, the techniques that worked for me, and tips that can help you on your own quitting journey. Whether you’re a health enthusiast, someone looking to quit, or simply curious about lifestyle improvements, this story is for you.

Early Beginnings of Smoking

I started smoking at a very young age, influenced by the men in my family who all smoked. There were always cigarettes around, and I admired my father deeply. Wanting to spend time with him led me to start smoking secretly at the age of eight.

It may sound terrible, but children often mimic the behaviors they see around them.

Discovering the Secret

When my family found out about my secret smoking, they put a lot of pressure on me to stop. This created a trauma in me. I didn’t smoke until university, or so I thought, but then again, I started stealing one by one when I was around 15-16. My sister started smoking, and I would take from her. I pretended I wasn’t addicted. I always admired it. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t addicted at that time. I would take one, then forget for a year or two. But I never smoked in the school environment.

Stress and Weight Gain

University was a particularly tough time. Losing someone I love, leading to immense stress and weight gain. I didn’t smoke in those tough times, but I gained weight. Then I started focusing on food due to the stress from losing weight. I was eating all the time. I gained a lot of weight. Then my friend said smoking could help us lose weight. Let's smoke a few, but be careful not to become addicted by eating and smoking together.

Seeking Freedom

In 2021, I moved to Germany and initially stopped smoking. However, the freedom from my family’s pressure led me to start again. I wanted to smoke freely and comfortably, thinking I could manage it better now that I was financially independent.

The Downward Spiral

But things didn’t go as planned. I became more addicted than ever. Friends’ reactions, both supportive and judgmental, influenced my smoking habits. It became clear that telling people about my attempts to quit often led to more pressure and ultimately failure.

I knew I wanted to quit. Some reasons for wanting to quit were financial problems, the bloated feeling after eating and smoking, and there’s no connection between smoking and losing weight.

Techniques That Helped Me Quit

Avoiding Triggers and Negative Influences

Smoking because of boredom or fear of gaining weight is common. You need to find ways to fill your time if you’re bored. Friends who smoke and thoughts while smoking can be triggers. For example, when drinking, you can’t get the same feeling without smoking. If someone around you doesn’t smoke, it doesn’t even cross your mind.

Finding Supportive People

Having a friend who supported me and understood the struggle was crucial. When my friend quit smoking after finding out she was pregnant, it inspired me to stay committed as well.

Addressing Underlying Issues

Therapy played a significant role in addressing underlying issues like stress and eating disorders, which were coping mechanisms linked to my smoking habit. Understanding these connections helped in managing my cravings and maintaining my resolve.

The Role of ADHD and Mental Health

For individuals with ADHD, smoking, eating disorders, and other addictions can be more prevalent as coping mechanisms. Therapy and professional help are essential in addressing these issues and finding healthier ways to cope with stress and challenges.

Seeking Professional Help

Therapists can provide valuable insights and strategies to manage ADHD and related issues, making the quitting process more manageable. It’s important to seek help and not try to tackle everything alone.

Staying Committed

Quitting smoking is an ongoing journey. Even after a year of being smoke-free, I remain vigilant about avoiding triggers and staying committed to my decision. It's a long-term commitment that requires continuous effort and self-awareness.

Inspiring Others

Sharing my story has not only helped me stay accountable but also inspired others to consider quitting. Seeing the positive impact on my health and well-being has encouraged friends and family to support me and even attempt quitting themselves.


Quitting smoking is a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. My journey from a young smoker influenced by family habits to a determined quitter overcoming personal struggles is a testament to the power of self-determination and support.

Whether you’re considering quitting or are already on the path, remember that it’s never too late to make a change for the better. Seek support, avoid triggers, and stay committed to your health and well-being.

For those looking to start their quitting journey, consider exploring various resources, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Your smoke-free life awaits—take the first step today.

Thank you for reading!

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Hi! I am Naz.

I am a software engineer and a mindfulness practitioner. I love to share my knowledge and experience with others. I am a lifelong learner and I am here to learn and grow with you.