How to Start Blogging? 30 Steps for the First 30 Days

How to Start Blogging? 30 Steps for the First 30 Days

I love blogging, but I was scared about getting started even as a software developer. I considered using templates on platforms like WordPress or Wix. However, I wanted to experience the process first-hand to understand the potential pitfalls and challenges that beginners can face. This journey was about sharing my knowledge with others so they can learn from my experience. If you are passionate about blogging, it is crucial to start somewhere. Don't let fear hold you back—time is passing, and staying in the same place won't get you anywhere.

What You Will Learn in This Post:

I learned these things over the course of a month and I wanted to share them with you in order. Many of them I didn't know before I started blogging.

  • How to Start Blogging Fast with Pre-Built Platforms
  • How to Choose the Right Domain for Your Blog
  • How to Choose the Right Niche for Your Blog
  • How to Select the Best Hosting Service for Your Blog
  • How to Code Your Blog Website
  • How to Use cPanel for Hosting
  • Why Next.js for Blogging
  • Why Vercel Hosting
  • What is Markdown and How to Use It for Your Blog Content
  • What is a CMS
  • What is Strapi CMS and Why Use It
  • What is SEO
  • What are Long-Tail SEO Keywords
  • What is Google Search Console and How to Set It Up
  • Setting Up Google Analytics
  • What is RSS
  • Setting Up Social Media Accounts
  • What is Google AdSens
  • When to Apply for Google AdSense
  • What is a Privacy Policy
  • Setting Up a Contact Form and Understanding SMTP
  • Balancing Blogging with Other Responsibilities
  • Using AI Tools for Content Creation
  • Using Lighthouse for Performance Analysis
  • Utilizing Ahrefs Site Audit
  • Exploring SEMrush for SEO and Marketing
  • Engaging with the Blogging Community
  • Setting Up Email Subscription with ConvertKit
  • Analyzing User Feedback and Adjusting Content
  • Implementing Regular Updates and Maintenance

I'm adding the number of views I got in the first month of blogging without tiring you out, this made me very happy even though I received thousands of index errors.

The number of views on my blog website in my first month

I shared 17 blog articles, some of which are probably not that high quality. Because most of my time was spent doing bug fixes.

I got an email from a digital ads company and they said they could advertise on my website.

It's been a good, tiring month and I'm still excited.

Step 1: How to Start Blogging Fast with Pre-Built Platforms?

Looking to start blogging quickly? Platforms like Medium, Vocal, and Blogger are your best bet. They let you dive into writing without worrying about the technical setup. These platforms come with built-in audiences, helping you gain traction and even make money. However, be aware of some drawbacks:

Medium: Might ban AI-generated content without notice.
Vocal: Focuses more on poetry and personal stories but it offers challenges to earn money.

Starting here can help you quickly understand engaging niches and build an audience before moving to your own dedicated blog site.

Step 2: How to Choose the Right Domain for Your Blog?

Your domain is your website's name (e.g., It's important to select a memorable and relevant name.

I use Bluehost for domain registration. It was fast, and customer support was really helpful. Other popular options worth checking include Namecheap and GoDaddy.

Pro Tip: If you want to use Node.js projects, check step 6 and step 7.

Step 3: How Do You Choose the Right Niche for Your Blog?

Focus on topics you are passionate about and have expertise in. As someone with ADHD, I tend to talk about a wide range of subjects, from technical tutorials to personal stories. Remember, the most important thing is to believe in what you’re writing about. Your genuine interest will make your content more engaging and credible.

  • When choosing a domain, consider the type of blog you are creating.
  • Avoid choosing weird or hard-to-read domains that might not appeal to people or show up in Google searches.
  • It's important to select a memorable and relevant name.
  • Using your name as a domain can be a good choice if it aligns with your blog’s purpose.
  • Make sure your domain is easy to spell, pronounce, and remember.

Step 4: How to Select the Best Hosting Service for Your Blog?

I used Bluehost, but I switched to Vercel for better support and features for Next.js projects. Reliable hosting services you might want to consider include Heroku, Netlify, and AWS Amplify.

Why I Switched:

Bluehost is user-friendly and integrates well with WordPress, making it great for beginners.
Vercel supports advanced features and offers excellent performance for developers. Since I use Next.js, it was better for me to continue with Vercel, which is based on same technologies.

Step 5: How to Code Your Blog Website

My Coding Journey started at 7 PM, 20 June 2024

Technologies Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Despite the initial discomfort and exhaustion, this experience brought me a sense of excitement and purpose. Here's how I built my blog website:

  1. I searched for and found a responsive Bootstrap template to use as the foundation for my blog's design.
  2. Integrated the template with HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity.
  3. Purchased a domain name that reflects my blog's theme and target audience.
  4. Leveraged cPanel's file management tools to upload and organize my website files.
  5. Subscribed to MidJourney to obtain high-quality illustrations that enhance my blog posts.
  6. Used ChatGPT to generate and refine content ideas and ensure high-quality writing.
  7. Used DeepL to correct grammatical errors.
  8. Actively used on social media platforms, especially Reddit, to promote my blog and interact with readers.

By combining these technologies and resources, I successfully created a functional, aesthetically pleasing blog website that resonates with my audience.

Step 6: How to Use cPanel for Hosting

cPanel is a web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a website.

I started hosting my site using cPanel by uploading my website files in zip format.

Upload and Extract Files: I used cPanel’s file manager to upload my zipped website files and then extracted them into the appropriate directories.

Directory Navigation: Navigating through directories was straightforward but managing multiple files became cumbersome over time.

Challenges Faced: Despite its user-friendly interface, I found cPanel challenging for my specific needs due to:

  • Limited automation for advanced tasks.
  • Difficulty in managing large volumes of content and updates.
  • Transition to Modern Web Technologies:

To overcome these challenges, I transitioned to using more modern web technologies that better suited my requirements.

  1. Implemented Git for version control to manage updates efficiently.
  2. Set up continuous deployment pipelines with tools like Vercel for smoother updates.
  3. Integrated a CMS (Content Management System) like Strapi for easier content management.

Step 7: Why Next.js for Blogging

Next.js is a powerful React framework that significantly enhances the performance of my site by providing server-side rendering and static site generation.

With built-in features for SEO optimization, Next.js helps my blog rank better in search engine results.

Initially, I faced challenges as Bluehost did not support Node.js projects directly, making the process time-consuming and complex.

To overcome hosting issues, I moved my site to Vercel, which fully supports Next.js. This migration made deployment and site management much smoother and more efficient.

Step 8: Why Vercel Hosting

Vercel offers a seamless experience for developers with easy integration and deployment of projects.

It allows easy hosting of your domain with straightforward DNS record management, simplifying the process of connecting your domain.

Vercel streamlines the deployment process, making it easier to manage, scale, and update my site.

Alternatives to Vercel:

  • Heroku: A platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that enables easy deployment of web applications.
  • Netlify: Another popular option for static site hosting with continuous deployment from Git.
  • AWS: A comprehensive suite of tools for building, deploying, and hosting full-stack web applications.

Step 9: What is Markdown and How to Use It for Your Blog Content

Markdown’s syntax is easy to learn and use, making it accessible even for those not familiar with HTML or other markup languages.

With Markdown, you can quickly format text, add headers, lists, links, images, and more—all with plain text. This speeds up the writing and editing process significantly.

Challenges of Using Markdown:

While Markdown is simple, managing extensive content can become cumbersome. Organizing large amounts of text and maintaining consistency in formatting can be challenging.

Solutions for Efficient Markdown Usage

Tools like Typora, Dillinger, and Markdown Live Preview can help manage and visualize Markdown content more effectively.

Combining Markdown with a Content Management System (CMS) like Strapi can streamline content creation and management, making it easier to handle large volumes of content.

Example Markdown:

title: "A Wonderful Dining Experience at Hans Im Glück"

description: "A detailed account of our visit to Hans Im Glück in Dresden."

date: "2024-07-11"

readingTime: "4 min"

author: "Naz"

category: "Discover"


- "Restaurant"

- "Dining"

- "Review"

- "Hans Im Glück"


- "Hans Im Glück restaurant review"

- "dining experience at Hans Im Glück Dresden"

- "best restaurants in Dresden"

- "gourmet burgers in Dresden"

- "Hans Im Glück menu review"

Markdown files are plain text, making them easy to move between different platforms and editors. This is particularly useful if you’re working on multiple devices or collaborating with others.

When I transitioned to using Strapi CMS, Markdown seamlessly integrated into my content management workflow, allowing me to focus more on writing and less on formatting.

Step 10: What is a CMS?

A CMS helps you manage your content easily. Popular examples include WordPress and Strapi.

These systems allow you to create, manage, and modify content without needing extensive technical knowledge.

Popular CMS Options

WordPress: User-friendly and a great option for beginners due to its wide range of themes and plugins.

Strapi: An open-source headless CMS that provides more control and flexibility, making it a great choice for developers.

Step 11: What is Strapi CMS and Why Use It?

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that provides a more efficient way to manage my content. As a developer, I wanted more control over my content management system, which Strapi offers.

Strapi requires a separate hosting service for the backend. This led me to explore cloud services.

Personal Experience

I tried Strapi Cloud for 14 days, which simplifies the hosting process by providing a managed cloud service. I am currently evaluating its suitability for my long-term needs.

Strapi offers flexibility and control, making it a great choice for developers who want to tailor their content management experience.

Step 12: What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques improve your website's visibility on search engines.

Understanding SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic to your blog.

I’ve written about my experience with SEO in my blog post, "Why I Switched to Next.js for My Blog Website – SEO Friendly."

Step 13: What are Long-Tail SEO Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are specific, longer phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to making a purchase or finding exactly what they need.

These keywords are less competitive than broader terms and can help you target niche audiences more effectively.


Broad Keyword: "blogging"

Long-Tail Keyword: "how to start blogging in 2024"

Using long-tail keywords in your content can attract more targeted traffic, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Step 14: What is Google Search Console and How to Set It Up?

This tool helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site's presence in Google Search results. It provides insights into your site’s performance and helps identify issues.

Personal Experience: I realized I didn’t set up Google Search Console for a long time after switching from HTML and CSS to Next.js, then to a CMS. This oversight negatively impacted my site’s performance. Ensure you set it up early and check it frequently to avoid similar issues.

  • A sitemap helps search engines index your site more efficiently. Ensure your sitemap is correctly set up and submitted to Google Search Console.
  • Ensure your site does not have multiple versions (e.g., with and without www). This can cause SEO issues and confuse your audience.
  • Use a 308 redirect to ensure consistency in domain usage. This helps avoid duplicate content issues and improves your site’s SEO.

Step 15: Setting Up Google Analytics

This tool tracks and reports website traffic, giving you detailed insights into your audience’s behavior.

It helps you understand which content is performing well and where you need to improve.

For a detailed guide, check out my post on "How to Integrate Google Analytics and AdSense in a Next.js Project on Vercel."

Step 16: What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users to access updates to online content in a standardized format.

It helps your audience stay updated with your latest posts.

Personal Experience

I set up an RSS feed for my blog to make it easy for people to follow my updates. Even though I didn’t have an email subscription method initially, RSS provided a simple way for followers to keep track of my new content.

Example: On my website, users can access the RSS feed at This setup ensures that anyone interested in my content can conveniently follow along.

Step 17: Setting Up Social Media Accounts

Platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter can help drive traffic to your blog. They are great for promoting your content and engaging with your audience.

So far, I haven't attracted much traffic from Facebook and Medium, as I just started using these platforms. However, Reddit has been particularly helpful in generating engagement and feedback for my blog website.

Although I'm not a fan of using multiple social media platforms, I plan to give Pinterest a try next month to see if it can help drive more traffic to my blog.

Step 18: What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a program that allows you to earn money by displaying ads on your website.

You need to ensure your site meets the necessary quality standards before applying.

For detailed steps on setting it up, refer to my post on "How to Integrate Google Analytics and AdSense in a Next.js Project on Vercel."

Step 19: When to Apply for Google AdSense?

Based on my experience, I advise having at least 50 high-quality posts on your blog before applying. This is because Google AdSense reviews applications manually, and having a substantial amount of content increases your chances of approval.

They need to see that your site offers value and is well-established. Applying too early with insufficient content can lead to rejection, as they might question the legitimacy and quality of your site.

Essential Pages:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms of Service
  • Contact Form

These pages demonstrate your commitment to transparency and compliance with legal standards, which is crucial for getting approved by Google AdSense.

Step 20: What is a Privacy Policy?

A privacy policy explains how you collect, use, and manage your users’ data.

It’s essential for legal compliance and building trust with your audience.

AdSense Requirement: This page is not only crucial for legal reasons but also a requirement for Google AdSense approval. Make sure your privacy policy is thorough and easily accessible on your site.

Step 21: Setting Up a Contact Form and Understanding SMTP

To set up a contact form on my blog, I used tools like SMTP. This allows visitors to get in touch with me easily, facilitating communication for technical support and potential partnerships.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is an internet standard for email transmission. It’s used to send emails from your contact form to your email address.

I received two emails this month, one for partnership and one for technical needs!

I used Bluehost’s cPanel to manage my email, which provided me with an email address ( for handling technical issues and partnership inquiries.

By setting up a contact form and understanding how SMTP works, you can ensure smooth and reliable communication with your blog's visitors.

But it may be slow or not perfectly modern, haha!

Step 22: Balancing Blogging with Other Responsibilities

Finding a balance between blogging and other responsibilities like freelance work is crucial.

If you are new to blogging like me, here are my tips:

  • Maintain a consistent blogging schedule without burning out.
  • Allocate specific times for blogging and stick to them.
  • Ensure you also take breaks and manage other commitments effectively.

Step 23: Using AI Tools

AI tools can assist in content creation and idea generation.

Tools Used:

  • ChatGPT
  • MidJourney
  • (free tier)

These tools can help you brainstorm topics and improve your writing, making the content creation process more efficient and less stressful.

Step 24: Using Lighthouse for Performance Analysis

Lighthouse is a tool in your browser that checks your website’s performance.

It helps identify areas for improvement and ensures a good user experience.

Improving page load times significantly enhanced my site’s overall performance and user engagement.

Here is my Lighthouse test in Google Chrome DevTools, I used html-css-js and expected this result. I had pages consisting of index.html. I was just learning things like meta data, keywords tags, etc.


And this after checking some SEO long-tail keywords work with Next.js and Lighhouse.

Lighthouse Google Chrome Dev tools result 1

Step 25: Utilizing Ahrefs Site Audit

You can use Ahrefs Site Audit to analyze your site’s SEO health. It provides comprehensive insights into your site’s performance and helps you optimize for better results. It is for free.

I discovered my indexing issues through Ahrefs, which indicated that several pages were not indexed. This insight allowed me to address the problem promptly and improve my site’s visibility.

Step 26: Exploring SEMrush

SEMrush Overview:

Function: SEMrush is a powerful tool for SEO and online marketing.

Benefits: It helps with keyword research, competitor analysis, and tracking your SEO performance.

Personal Experience: Utilizing SEMrush, I was able to identify strong keywords and refine my content strategy to attract more targeted traffic.

Step 27: Engaging with the Community

Community Support:

Platforms: Engage with communities on platforms like Discord and Reddit.

Benefits: Sharing your journey and seeking feedback can provide valuable insights and motivation.

Personal Experience: Reddit, in particular, has been helpful for me in generating engagement and receiving constructive criticism.

Step 28: Setting Up Email Subscription

Tool Used: ConvertKit

Building your email list from the start is essential for engaging with your audience and growing your blog's reach.

This tool helps manage subscriber lists and send out newsletters, keeping your audience informed and connected.

Step 29: Analyzing User Feedback and Adjusting Content

Regularly analyzing feedback is crucial for understanding what resonates with your audience.

By listening to your friends or people, you can adjust your content to better meet their needs and interests.

Feedback on my technical tutorials led me to create more beginner-friendly guides, which significantly increased engagement.

Step 30: Implementing Regular Updates and Maintenance

Keeping your blog updated is essential for maintaining relevance and ensuring your site runs smoothly.

  • Updating old posts with new information.
  • Checking for broken links.
  • Ensuring your plugins and software are up-to-date.

Regular maintenance helps improve your site's SEO and user experience.

I set aside time this month to perform these tasks, which has helped keep my blog in top shape and my readers happy.

How the First Month of Blogging Looked Like

I built the blog using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

I started with the basics. Even if it's not perfect, getting something out there is better than waiting for perfection.

I use simple tools and templates to get started quickly.

I realized my niche was too broad and decided to narrow it down. (After 2 weeks, I realized this comment was not for me because I have ADHD.)

I learned the importance of a well-structured site.

I improved SEO and performance by transitioning to Next.js.

I learned good structure and performance are key for a successful blog.

I invested time in learning and implementing the right technologies.

I faced issues. A Lot.


  • Be prepared for setbacks and have backup plans.
  • Regularly back up your work and be ready to adapt.

My views dropped to zero due to pages not being indexed.

I focused on fixing bugs and Could not WRITE anything. But okay.

I managed my time between part-time freelance job and blogging.


  • Balance is key. Don’t burn out.
  • Automate tasks to save time for content creation.

And I finally set up email subscriptions using ConvertKit to build and engage my audience.

Patience and preparation are vital.

I gained a clear understanding of the difference between domain registration and hosting services. No kidding.


  • Knowing the technical aspects can save you a lot of trouble.
  • Research and choose the best hosting service that supports your technical needs.
  • Investing in the right technology pays off.
  • Consistency is crucial. I was not ready for it.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for following my journey from unemployment to full-time blogging. Your support means the world to me. Stay tuned for more updates. Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback. Keep learning, growing, and blogging! Writing this blog post took me 3 days, and while I know it's not perfect, I'm still learning. I wanted to share the best information I could with you.

If you enjoyed this blog post, you can buy me a "döner"—I love eating döner while sipping on coffee. Just kidding! :)

But if not, just send love and good energy my way.

I hope I have helped you in some way. If you'd like to stay updated, please subscribe to my newsletter. I’ll be back soon with more articles on mindfulness, coding, gaming, recipes, and other quality content.

Warm regards, Naz

Affiliate Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting the blog!

Buy Me a Döner
Hi! I am Naz.

I am a software engineer and a mindfulness practitioner. I love to share my knowledge and experience with others. I am a lifelong learner and I am here to learn and grow with you.