Why I Switched to Next.js for My Blog Website -- SEO Friendly

Why I Switched to Next.js for My Blog Website -- SEO Friendly

Managing blog content and improving SEO performance are often challenges during the website development process. Initially, I created my blogs using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, over time, I realized that creating separate HTML pages for each blog post was both time-consuming and inefficient. Additionally, content management was challenging as I had to focus on too many topics. Therefore, I decided to switch to a more dynamic and SEO-friendly structure—Next.js.

Time and Efficiency

Creating separate HTML pages for each blog post was time-consuming. Adding a new blog post or updating an existing one required manually dealing with the files each time. This process slowed down content production and reduced my productivity.

Focus and Content Management

Creating blog posts while focusing on multiple topics made content management difficult. I searched for a more efficient way to focus on specific topics and organize content better. In particular, I wanted to concentrate on Mental Health, Mindful Eating, Food, and Blogging.

SEO and Indexing

Optimizing SEO performance with static HTML pages can be difficult. Proper indexing of content for search engines, optimizing site speed, and managing metadata were not efficient enough with manual methods.

Making the Website Dynamic

Instead of working with static HTML pages, I wanted to manage and update content using a more dynamic structure. This would improve the user experience and make site management easier.

Key SEO Benefits of Switching to Next.js

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Next.js offers Server-Side Rendering (SSR), which allows pages to be rendered on the server and sent to the client. Search engines index server-rendered pages more easily and effectively, improving SEO performance.

Better Indexing for Search Engine Bots: With SSR, search engine bots can crawl pages completely and accurately.

Fast Load Times: Since pages are rendered on the server, users experience faster loading, positively impacting the user experience and indirectly improving SEO.

Static Site Generation (SSG)

Next.js pre-builds and serves pages with Static Site Generation (SSG), increasing page load speed and allowing faster crawling by search engines.

Pre-Generated Pages: Pages are pre-generated, not dynamically created with each server request, which improves performance.

Fast and Reliable: Static sites are faster and more reliable, positively affecting SEO.

SEO-Friendly Structure and Meta Tag Management

Next.js makes it easy to dynamically set the title and meta tags for each page, allowing custom and optimized metadata for each page.

  • Customizable title, description, and other meta tags for each page.
  • Optimized meta tags for social media posts.

Advanced Routing and Navigation

Next.js offers advanced routing and navigation options, allowing users to navigate the site more easily and streamlining the site structure.

Modular and Flexible Routing: Flexible structures to meet complex routing needs.

User-Friendly Navigation: Easy navigation improves user experience and SEO.

Modern Web Development Practices

Next.js is fully compatible with the React ecosystem and supports modern web development practices, providing developers with more flexible and powerful tools.

Component-Based Architecture: Reusable components make code more organized and manageable.

Ease of Integration: Easily integrates with APIs and other services.

Performance Optimization

Next.js offers several features for performance optimization, reducing page load times and improving user experience.

  • Loading and using only the code that is needed.
  • Automatic optimization and fast loading of images.

Next.js is a framework that is constantly updated and improved, making it easy to adapt to new SEO techniques and web development trends.

  • Regularly updated and improved platform.
  • A large and active developer community ensures that any problems encountered are quickly resolved.

Before and After Switching to Next.js

Before switching to Next.js, I faced several challenges using static HTML/CSS:

  • Manually updating blog posts was inefficient and slowed content production.
  • Static HTML pages were not SEO-friendly, affecting indexing and performance.

After switching to Next.js, I noticed significant improvements

  • Managing content became faster and more efficient.
  • Improved indexing, faster load times, and better metadata management boosted my site's SEO.
  • A dynamic structure enhanced the user experience, leading to increased engagement.

Comparison with WordPress

  • Freedom and Customization: WordPress offers many plugins and themes but lacks complete freedom. Next.js allows full control and customization.
  • SEO and Performance: While WordPress has SEO plugins, dynamic content management and SSR are more effective with Next.js.
  • Costs: WordPress may have premium themes, plugins, and hosting costs. Next.js generally runs at lower costs and is compatible with free hosting services.


Switching to Next.js allowed me to manage my blog content more efficiently, increase SEO performance, and improve user experience. This decision sped up the content production process and supported the long-term success of my website. Thanks to the advantages of Next.js, I created a more dynamic, flexible, and SEO-friendly blogging platform.

This transition has been a significant step in web development and content management, breathing new life into my blog project. If you're looking to improve SEO performance and streamline your content management, consider making the switch to Next.js. Thank you for reading!

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Hi! I am Naz.

I am a software engineer and a mindfulness practitioner. I love to share my knowledge and experience with others. I am a lifelong learner and I am here to learn and grow with you.